The standard kit lens for many Canon SLRs during the 80's. Initially launched 1979 according to the Canon Lens Museum. I managed to pick my copy up for a good deal from Seawood Photo as part of a sale at the Spring PhotoFair at the Newark Pavilion. Very light weight lens with the typical FD lens plastic feel. Clean and focuses smoothly with great optical quality. I'm not fond of the FD lens mount as I find it fiddly to use but the lenses themselves are very good and plentiful at reasonable prices.

Mount: Canon FD Mount
Focal Length: 50mm
Aperture Range: f/1.8 - f/22
Minimum Focus: 0.6m
Weight: 170g
Filter Thread: 52mm
Data Source: Canon Lens Museum - Lens-DB
Collection Information
Date Acquired: 05/18/2019
Serial Number: 7781803
Purchase Price: $20
Going Price: ~$50
Condition: Great - minimal wear