A popular telephoto zoom lens sold in the 80's for the Canon FD system. The lens is like most mid-aperture telephoto zooms from the time period in that they were the most common second lens purchase for most users after the 50mm kit lens that came with their camera. Not particularly noteworthy performance wise it's not a bad lens either. If anything it's simply unremarkable. They're quite common so make sure if you do get one to not pay more than a few dollars for it. My copy was given to me for free as a gift from my mother-in-law who found it at a garage sale. It's in almost perfect condition and is surprisingly robust. Unfortunately it doesn't have a special macro mode like many of its contemporary lenses have which limits some of its functionality.

Mount: Canon FD Mount
Focal Length: 100-200mm
Aperture Range: f/5.6 - f/32
Minimum Focus: 2.5m
Weight: 610g
Filter Thread: 52mm
Data Source: Canon Lens Museum - Lens-DB
Collection Information
Date Acquired: 11/28/2014
Serial Number: 32569
Purchase Price: Gift
Going Price: ~$10
Condition: Absolutely perfect