Not all cameras needs to be elaborate machines built for serious use - sometimes they should just be fun. The Snap Sights camera is one of those being designed for capturing off the cuff moments as opposed to serious photography. Functionally the camera is akin to a disposable that you can reload with a plastic housing for underwater use. The lens is a fixed focus 28mm(ish) lens with a mystery shutter speed and aperture. Despite the limited features the camera works well enough and if you were to load it with some high speed 400-1600 film it'd be a great tool for a vacation. The camera belongs to my wife and she has no recollection when/where she got it but you can still buy them new today.

Design: Underwater camera
Focus: Fixed Focus
Lens: 28mm
Minimum Focus: ???
Shutter Range: ???
Aperture Range: ???
ISO Range: n/a
Flash Sync: n/a
Meter: n/a
Exposure Modes: Fixed
Battery: n/a
Weight: ???
Other Features: Underwater housing
Manual: You don't need one...
Data Source: There is no data....
Collection Information
Date Acquired: ???
Serial Number: n/a
Purchase Price: ??
Going Price: ~$15 - eBay
Condition: Mint
My Copy's Performance
Well... it works. I really don't know what else to say! It just works. I wouldn't recommend using it for anything serious but for the situations where you enjoy shooting a disposable you can use this camera. It functions exactly the same as a disposable but you can reload it. I don't know that I would suggest going out to buy one but if you get one for free it's a fun toy.