A classic wide angle from the late 70's and early 80's. I haven't had much opportunity to shoot with this lens yet but it's regarded generally as quite sharp in the center. The corners are softer though and never really sharpen despite stopping down. The lens is small and like most M42 lenses incredibly well built. I picked my copy up at the Spring PhotoFair at the Newark Pavilion for a great price. Like most M42 Fujinon lenses this one is on the rare side and normally not worth the price being asked. If you can find it for a good price though you should definitely go for it.

Mount: M42 Screw Mount
Focal Length: 28mm
Aperture Range: f/3.5 - f/16
Minimum Focus: 0.4m
Weight: 178g
Filter Thread: 49mm
Data Source: All Photo Lenses - Lens-DB
Collection Information
Date Acquired: 05/18/19
Serial Number: 315484
Purchase Price: $40
Going Price: ~$100
Condition: Gentle wear on edges but otherwise flawless

Resolution/Vignetting f/3.5

Resolution/Vignetting f/5.6

Resolution/Vignetting f/8

Resolution/Vignetting f/11

Bokeh/Macro f/3.5

Bokeh/Macro f/8