A fast wide angle with good performance and a very pretty design. In fact that might be an understatement. The lens is outright beautiful. The phrase "they don't make them like they used to" really comes to mind here. On top of that it's a pretty OK lens though it is a bit soft at f/2.8. The lens is also very large and heavy for an M42 lens with a comparatively huge 62mm filter thread. The Yashinon-DX line were designed by Tomioka Optical Works in the late 60's and are highly sought after. I managed to find mine at the local PhotoFair for a reasonable-ish price. Being honest if you're after a good optic at an affordable price many other lenses are better deals but if you can get a good price or are just interested in its looks than go for it.

Mount: M42 Screw Mount
Focal Length: 28mm
Aperture Range: f/3.5 - f/16
Minimum Focus: 0.4m
Weight: 260g
Filter Thread: 49mm
Collection Information
Date Acquired: 05/18/19
Serial Number: 3836848
Purchase Price: $40
Going Price: ~$70
Condition: Slight wear but otherwise pristine

Resolution/Vignetting f/3.5

Resolution/Vignetting f/5.6

Resolution/Vignetting f/8

Resolution/Vignetting f/11

Bokeh/Macro f/3.5

Bokeh/Macro f/8